Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Another water doodle created while looking in. I think a lot when I do these. I've noticed a lot of my thoughts are more personal in these moments.. self growth, relationships, future goals. I guess it takes the pressure off of using a particular technique or worrying about the right blending. I just let loose and allow my creativity to spew out. I'm interested to see these images on a bigger canvas with a cleaner style but for now, I am definitely enjoying these painted illustrations! 
"Emerge" is about struggle. Ironic, I know but, I have found myself in moments where things feel stagnant. Life will send curve balls and it almost seems like you are being attacked from every angle. When I look at this illustration I see myself. Wavy tentacle hair, battered eyes from the movie she calls life yet still manages to keep her head up.. and above the rain clouds. No matter what is thrown at us we can always emerge from the situation.. even if it knocks us down momentarily. Keep fate on your side and remember to let the storm clouds pass. 

Watercolor pencils and Indian ink on Mixed-Media paper
Original illustration (framed)- $80

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